Adopting English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Brazil and Flanders (Belgium): a comparative study




The objective of this study is to discuss the adoption of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in the Brazilian and Flemish contexts, considering the influence of globalization and internationalization on the languages in higher education. To reach this goal, a bibliographic research was carried out, in order to analyze documents related to language teaching/learning, including books, journals, government documents, official websites and reports from international organizations. Information collected comprised the data retrieved in Brazil and in Flanders, in order to generate discussions around challenges and opportunities for adopting EMI in these contexts. The study concludes that some actions are necessary for overcoming some challenges identified, such as the creation of local support units (for languages) at universities, for the preparation and implementation of EMI courses.  

Author Biography

Marcelo Kremer, Ghent University

Ghent University.

Department of Educational Studies.

PhD Student.


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