Asymmetrical Relations in Audiovisual Translation in Brazil: A Corpus-based investigation of Fixed Expressions




This study aims to investigate, in dubbed and subtitled versions of the films Madagascar (2005) and Ice Age (2002), how fixed expressions (Moon, 1998) are translated in dubbing and subtitling methods and to examine how employing domestication and foreignisation (Venuti, 1995) can undermine or reinforce the asymmetrical relations, here defined by globalisation as discussed by Venuti (1998) and Cronin (2003, 2009). The analysis is carried out through reference and parallel corpus (Baker, 1995). Final results show that subtitling, rather than dubbing, is more prone to adopt foreignising strategies with regard to the translation of fixed expressions. Additionally, there have been identified, in the subtitled versions of the corpus, translation instances that deliberately move away from target language fixed expressions.

Author Biography

Domingos Soares, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Domingos Soares is PhD student at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), in the English Graduate Program, with focus on Translation Studies. He holds an MA in the same program, investigating the translation of fixed expressions in dubbed and subtitled versions of animated films into Brazilian Portuguese. His main research interests involve Audiovisual Translation, Transmedia Translation, Translator Education and Corpus-based Translation Studies. He is a member of the TRACOR (Translation and Corpora) research group. He has experience in teaching English as a Second Language and is a freelance translator.


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