Retrieving L2 word stress from orthography: Evidence from word naming and cross-modal priming




In this paper we investigated how L1 word stress affects L2 word naming for cognates and non-cognates in two lexical stress languages, Brazilian Portuguese (BP, L1) and American English (AE, L2). In Experiment 1,  BP-AE bilinguals named a mixed list of disyllabic moderate frequency words in L1 (Portuguese) and L2 (English). In Experiment 2, Portuguese-English bilinguals named English (L2) disyllabic target words presented simultaneously with auditory Portuguese (L1) disyllabic primes. It is concluded that word stress has a task-dependent role to play in bilingual word naming and must be incorporated in bilingual models of lexical production and lexical perception and reading aloud models.

Author Biography

Amanda Post da Silveira, Federal University of São Carlos

I was a member of the Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Neuroscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, before coming back to Brazil. I specialized in Experimental Phonetics and Psycholinguistics. I am specially interested in categorizations, recognition and production of second language speech sounds by late bilinguals. I am currently a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Languages at Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, SP, Brazil.



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