A decolonial perspective on the use of technologies for English language teaching
Projeto UCA, Cultura escolar, Inclusão DigitalAbstract
In this article, I approach English language teaching with technologies from a decolonial perspective, using, for this purpose, in methodological terms, an autoethnographic approach. I divide the article into two parts. The first is dedicated to reflections on decoloniality, articulating them to considerations on the use of technologies in English teaching from a decolonial perspective. In the second part, I analyze the sections of a lesson from the Elementary 1 component of the English course of an institutional proficiency program, unveiling aspects that point to the presence of principles of decoloniality, aligned with the epistemologies of the South, which I conclude are necessary and viable when dealing with technologies, since these are prone to trigger precepts that represent the epistemologies of the North.
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