A decolonial perspective on the use of technologies for English language teaching





Projeto UCA, Cultura escolar, Inclusão Digital


In this article, I approach English language teaching with technologies from a decolonial perspective, using, for this purpose, in methodological terms, an autoethnographic approach. I divide the article into two parts. The first is dedicated to reflections on decoloniality, articulating them to considerations on the use of technologies in English teaching from a decolonial perspective. In the second part, I analyze the sections of a lesson from the Elementary 1 component of the English course of an institutional proficiency program, unveiling aspects that point to the presence of principles of decoloniality, aligned with the epistemologies of the South, which I conclude are necessary and viable when dealing with technologies, since these are prone to trigger precepts that represent the epistemologies of the North.

Author Biography

Fernanda Mota Pereira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professora Associada da Área de Inglês do Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal da Bahia.


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