Affordances of the prototype “Teaching English to teachers”

contributions from social justice perspective, antiracist education and the web curriculum to English classes in teacher education programs




In this perspective, this article aims to present the affordances perceived by the researcher-authors and teachers in training during the implementation of a prototype produced for the English language classes of an English language course based on the principles of social justice. The research is qualitative of interpretative nature and the data collected in the implementation with English language students are analyzed through the concept of affordances (VAN LIER, 2000; EL KADRI, 2018). The results show that the participants identify as affordance the reflection on the subjects discussed, the questioning of oppressive relations in society, the feeling of motivation to fight against discrimination and racism, the learning of technological tools, and the use of new technologies in a reflexive and creative way.

Author Biography

Thaíza Zancopé, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutoranda em EStudos da Linguagem na Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Mestre em Letras Estrageiras Modernas, pela UEL. Coordenadora pedagogico de instituto de línguas. 


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AUTOR 2, T.; AUTOR 1, M.S.

