Who gazes at whom: Patriarchy's abjection gaze and Marina's oppositional gaze in A Fantastic Woman





A Fantastic Woman, Oppositional gaze, Queer Theory


Alan Parson's song "Time", played in the beginning of the film A Fantastic Woman (2017), raises motifs that resonate throughout the film: the inexorable passing of time and the human need/right to say goodbye to those we love(d). After Marina, a working class transwoman, has the unfortunate surprise of losing her beloved Orlando, her mourning is interrupted and her right to say goodbye is threatened by the heteronormative pressure from society. The abjection gaze of the patriarchal family and of state representatives towards Marina is discussed based on Judith Butler's (2002) Gender Trouble. Running against time and the tyranny of heteronormativity, Marina eventually develops an oppositional gaze – discussed based on bell hooks (2015) – to counter the violence of the alienating gaze, not only to be able to say goodbye to Orlando, but also to assert her identity as a woman.

Author Biography

Olegario da Costa Maya Neto, Mato Grosso do Sul State University

Graduated in English language and literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014), in Brazil. Master (2017) and PhD (2020) received from the English Post-Graduate Program at UFSC, Olegario is currently a Professor at the Mato Grosso do Sul State University, in the English and Spanish undergraduate courses and at ProfLetras. He is interested in Comparative Literature and Cinema, Adaptation Studies, Latin American Cinema, Biographic films, Creative Writing, English and Literature Teaching. 


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Literary and Cultural Studies
