

  • Leda Maria Braga Tomitch UFSC


The idea of organizing an issue of Ilha do Desterro on Critical Reading arose from discussions in the Reading courses given at our Graduate Program in English at UFSC. As a teacher I noticed that our classroom discussions on many topics of the course were always very rich and fruitful, but especially when master and/or doctoral students working in the area of critical discourse analysis brought their perspective to the discussions. I then decided to invite researchers from the two areas of study—reading and critical discourse analysis—to contribute to an issue of our journal which would be entitled Critical Reading/Leitura Crítica. Not much was said to contributors about the issue, except the title. The purpose was to see how researchers in each area of study would perceive critical reading.

Biografia do Autor

Leda Maria Braga Tomitch, UFSC

possui mestrado em Letras (Inglês e Literatura Correspondente) (1988) e doutorado em Letras (Linguística Aplicada) (1995), ambos pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Realizou pós-doutoramento na área de psicologia cognitiva, na Carnegie Mellon University, nos EUA. Atualmente é professor adjunto IV da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.





