The case method applied to Librarianship education: history and perspectives
Case method, Librarianship, Teaching methodology, CompetencesAbstract
This study presents the case method as a teaching methodology in Librarianship, from the origin of the case method to its application. The goal is to explain how the case method can be applied on building management skills in professional librarians. It describes the main actors of the process: student, teacher and author of cases and inherent features in their statutes. Presents a typology of cases and their application. Addresses the scenario of the method in Brazil. Describes how is its application, and the positive consequences for teaching the subject, through the development of skills and abilities. Reveals the importance of the method in the education of future librarians, developing skills that the new dynamic context of the information society now requires. Through literature review on the topic, it brings theoretical constructs and analyzes actual cases in librarianship selected through a survey of cases in the literature and in online databases cases. Concludes that the case method can eventually be used in the university as a coherent and effective solution vis-à-vis the dynamic and updated profile requested by the job market nowadays.
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