Perception of educators on open educational resources (OER) repositories in higher education




Open educational resources, Educational repositories, Higher education, Educators


Objective: Repositories of open educational resources (OER), driven by national and institutional policies, have been created by different countries to support teaching and learning. Considering the various functionalities that OER repositories present, this study aims to capture the perception of educators from higher education Brazilian institutions about the importance and the use of these repositories for research, use of OER and support for teaching practices.

Methods: In addition to qualitative and exploratory research, this study adopts quantitative methods, aiming to analyze and compare the responses obtained through the application of a questionnaire with 130 respondents.

Results: Based on the results, most of the features of the OER repositories obtained a medium and high degree of evaluation regarding their importance and use. It was also observed that the assessed items were assigned a higher degree of importance than degree of use.

Conclusions: Thus, it is concluded that although most of the functionalities of the repositories are important and used by educators, it is necessary to explore those that demonstrate medium and low valuation in importance and use, in order to promote OER in teaching and learning practices, with the aim of support of incentive policies for the creation of OER and guidelines for the adoption of OER, considering open licenses for use.


Author Biographies

Geisa Meirelles Drumond, Fluminense Federal University

PhD in Sustainable Management Systems from Fluminense Federal University (2021). Master's degree in Management Systems from Fluminense Federal University (2014). Specialization in the following areas: Organization and Strategy (2014); Strategic Management and Quality (2008) and Informatics in Education (2003). Librarian graduated in 1999 from Universidade Federal Fluminense, with extensive experience in public and private university libraries, working in reference services, institutional repository, indexing of scientific articles and technical treatment of documents. She also has a degree in Psychology (1992). Content teacher and tutor in a distance learning postgraduate course.

Mirian Picinini Méxas, Fluminense Federal University

He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from UFF and a Master's degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ. MBA in Business Administration from UFF. Postgraduate degree in PIGEAD (Planning, Implementation and Management of Distance Education) from UFF. Degree in Mathematics (BA and BSc) from UFF. She is currently a lecturer on the undergraduate course in Actuarial Science and Finance at UFF. Lecturer on the Professional Master's Degree in Management Systems and the Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Sustainable Management Systems at UFF.

Lidia Angulo Meza, Fluminense Federal University

He has a degree in Operations Research (Investigación Operativa) from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1996), a master's degree in 1998 and a doctorate in 2002, both in Production Engineering from COPPE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE/UFRJ. She did post-doctoral work at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon (Portugal) in 2013, in the area of Multicriteria; and at the University of Talca, Curicó (Chile), in 2018 in the area of eco-efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis. She is currently a full professor at the Fluminense Federal University, working in the Department of Production Engineering at the School of Engineering of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). As a researcher, she has worked on several CNPq-funded projects and has been a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow since 2005. In the administrative area, she served as Head of the Production Engineering Department in Volta Redonda (VEP), and was the coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Production Engineering at the School of Industrial Metallurgical Engineering in Volta Redonda. In 2016 he transferred from the Volta Redonda campus to the Niterói campus, was deputy head of the Production Engineering Department (TEP) in the 2020-2021 period and is deputy head of the same department. He is currently part of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering (TPP), and also participates in the PhD programs in Sustainable Management Systems (DSG) and Biosystems (PGEB) at the Fluminense Federal University. He has experience in Production Engineering, with an emphasis on Operations Research, working mainly in the following areas: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in which he has been working since his master's degree; also in Multiobjective Linear Programming and its integration with DEA (the subject of his doctoral thesis); in addition, he works on, Computer Implementations, Educational Evaluation and recently he has also been working on the joint use of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and DEA in the evaluation of eco-efficiency, developing models and working on their applications.


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How to Cite

DRUMOND, Geisa Meirelles; MÉXAS, Mirian Picinini; MEZA, Lidia Angulo. Perception of educators on open educational resources (OER) repositories in higher education. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [S. l.], v. 30, p. 1–25, 2024. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2025.e99827. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.