(Re)Thinking human rights: from the individual to the community





Human Rights, Multiculturalism, Intercultural Dialogue


The article aims to present the theoretical and political problem of the coexistence of different conceptions of
human rights in the context of multiculturalism and the diversity of struggles and resistance of subaltern social groups. For these purposes, the text first describes the hegemonic matrix of the Western legal tradition, and then exposes some of the criticisms of its insufficiency and its colonizing character. It then presents two perspectives on human rights facing multicultural realities, these are the analyzes of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Raimon Panikkar. Both authors start from the reality of cultural pluralism and the need to establish possible paths of dialogue between the different conceptions of the world with the aim of defending human rights. In the case of Sousa, the author believes in the possibility of “intercultural translation”, while Panikkar defends “intercultural dialogue”.

Author Biography

María del Carmen Cortizo, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC



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