E-Sports: a current sport practice





The electronic games industry is the third most profitable in the world. A new concept of sport has emerged in recent years, being commonly called e-Sports. The article seeks to present e-Sport as a current sports practice. This theoretical research is structured by presenting the section: “electronic games and e-Sports”. In physical education, e-Sports is neglected because it does not cover high energy expenditure. When strengthening e-Sport, it is becoming a phenomenon that approaches conventional sports. Today, e-Sport is the object of academic research that seeks to verify its spectacularization process, its characteristics and its history, mixing with the history of the sport itself.

Author Biographies

GODTSFRIEDT, J., Santa Catarina State University, Health and Sport Sciences Center, Human Movement Sciences Graduate Program

Master in Physical Education (UFSC).

University of the State of Santa Catarina, Health and Sport Sciences Center, Postgraduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (institution where she holds a doctorate)

Cardoso, F. L., Santa Catarina State University, Health and Sport Sciences Center, Human Movement Sciences Graduate Program

PhD in Human Sexuality - Human Sexuality (IASHS - Institute for Advanced Study in Human Sexuality, United States)

State University of Santa Catarina, Health and Sport Sciences Center, Postgraduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (institution where you work).


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How to Cite

GODTSFRIEDT, Jonas; LUIZ CARDOSO, Fernando. E-Sports: a current sport practice. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, v. 33, n. 64, p. 1–14, 2021. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2021.e80001. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/motrivivencia/article/view/80001. Acesso em: 27 jan. 2025.



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