The university and the homo-politicus: what is the meaning of university education in the field of Physical Education in times of crisis? Physical education for what?




University, Policy, Teacher, Physical education


This reflection seeks to look at the university in its political dimension and, from this perspective, to think about training in Physical Education in times of crisis. It is an interpretive reflection whose methodology of analysis is a hermeneutic of questions and answers, of construction and deconstruction. The text was organized in three moments: the first deals with the political dimension, presenting two types of men/women: the “homo-violentus” and the “homo-sabius” with their particular characteristics. In the second, the university is summoned, where these two types of homo(s) seem to inhabit: the “homo-violentus” who takes on the politics of power and the “homo-sabius” who takes on the politics of justice. Finally, in the third moment, the university formation in Physical Education in times of crisis was approached, seeking to answer the question “Physical Education for what?”, having as reference (also) the two previous moments.

Author Biographies

Antonio Camilo Cunha, Universidade do Minho

Prof. Dr. com Agregação em Pedagogia do Desporto

Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação, CIEC

Braga, Portugal

Zenaide Galvão , Universidade do Minho

Doutoranda em Estudos da Criança

Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação, CIEC

Braga, Portugal


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How to Cite

Cunha, A. C., & Galvão , Z. (2022). The university and the homo-politicus: what is the meaning of university education in the field of Physical Education in times of crisis? Physical education for what? . Motrivivência, 34(65).



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