WORK AND LEISURE IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE IN 21st CENTURY: social right or exclusionary inclusion?
The present article has for intention to argue the relations between work, leisure, infancyand adolescence, in our times, on the basis of the changes why it comes passing thecountries of the peripheral capitalism in Latin America. Work and leisure are spheresinseparable central offices and it human being and which it cannot do without to exist.What it is come close evidencing is that these come passing for a process of exculpatoryinclusion. One becomes necessary to rescue from infancy and of the adolescence thevision of the human being, while subject collective and historical capable to produceand to transform the reality that the fence.Downloads
How to Cite
DIAS, Graziany Penna; SILVA DOS SANTOS, Marcelo. WORK AND LEISURE IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE IN 21st CENTURY: social right or exclusionary inclusion?. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, n. 36, p. 291–305, 2011. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2011v23n36p291. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.
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