For the centrality of the praxis: the corporal culture as the way of overcome the dissociation between theory and practice at the Physical Education classes




This study aims to analyze the pertinence of the marxism as a way of comprehension and act at the reality, in particular them potentialities in the processos of structuring a Scholastic Physical Education pedagogical approach, owing to the progresso of the “crítico-superadora” approach by the Coletivo de Autores. Therefore, we understand that dialectical and the historical materialism, through concept of praxis, gives us the conditions of overcoming the theory and practice dichotomy, that still remains at the epistemological and ontological discussion existent at this knowledge field. We comprehend that this dichotomy results from the capitalism social contradictions, so, it criticism can’t be limited by subjective field, being it overcoming product of an action at objective level, what rescues the praxis concept as an element of comprehension the relationship between the subject and the society.  

Author Biography

Matheus Rufino Castro, Colégio Pedro II

Professor EBTT de Educação Física do Colégio Pedro II. Licenciado em Educação Física pela UFRJ. Mestre em Educação pela UFF. Doutor em Educação pela UERJ. Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos em Educação e Realidade Brasileira (NEEREBRA).



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How to Cite

Castro, M. R. (2021). For the centrality of the praxis: the corporal culture as the way of overcome the dissociation between theory and practice at the Physical Education classes. Motrivivência, 33(64), 1–16.



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