Creativity, technology and mathematical modelling in the classroom


  • Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira PUC-Campinas



We present here the construction of a teaching environment, focused on mathematical modelling, supported by inclusion of creativity in the conduct directed toward teaching and learning and by appropriate technology and accessible to actors in the environment . With our gaze in this environment we analyse the pedagogical possibilities of these actions integrated into a Statistics classroom when, in a first moment and using students' creativity, use Google's resources in the process of data collection in an opinion poll.And, in a second moment, to meet the need for interpretation of numerical information presented in tables and graphs, brought recent data related to the twenty-five years of the current Brazilian Constitution, published by the press and available on the Internet. We show in our study that these actions contribute to relate the statistics with the professional everyday life of the student and that technology, when viewed as a tool becomes an important instrument, facilitator and collaborator, working with statistical content and when viewed as a pedagogical agent favours the emergence of creative actions that make democratic environments flourish in the classroom, in which all actors feel responsible for the procedures that are adopted and the responses obtained from them.

Author Biography

Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira, PUC-Campinas

Bacharelado em Matemática, Unesp-Rio Claro, mestrado em Matemática Aplicada, Unicamp-Campinas, doutorado em Educação Matemática, Unesp-Rio Claro.

Professora PUC-Campinas desde 1986.




