Wittgensteinian contributions to the performance and reading of interviews involving mathematics at engineers’ practices


  • Rejane Siqueira Julio Federal University of Alfenas




The aim of this paper is to report the contributions of Ludwig Wittgenstein in performing and reading of interviews conducted for the development of the doctoral thesis "[Mathematical] Language Games in the profession and formation of engineers". In the thesis, Petrobras electronic engineers practices and related professional training of engineers and their relationship with the mathematics were exhibited and some statements frequently heard in interviews such as, for instance, mathematics is the basis for engineering were discussed. For this, the writings of Wittgenstein, in particular language games, descriptions, family resemblances and rules were important as they contribute to an expansion of directions and senses about the way to see and to discuss professional, professional training and mathematics practices.

Author Biography

Rejane Siqueira Julio, Federal University of Alfenas

Doutora em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da Unicamp. Mestre em Educação Matemática pela Unesp de Rio Claro. Professora do Instituto de Ciências Exatas da Universidade Federal de Alfenas-MG.

