Art, Mathematics Education and empathy: some reflections


  • Antonio Carlos Brolezzi IME-USP
  • Iuri Naoto Nobre Ota Professor de Matemática da EMEB Adamastor Baptista, Franco da Rocha, SP



The association between Art and Mathematics can be established considering the mathematics existing in artistic productions like architecture, sculpture, music and painting, that is, in finished works. It is in this sense that the philosophical current of Logicism understood the relation between beauty and mathematics. But the art of mathematics is also in its construction, as the current of intuitionism asserted. In this article we present reflections, based on a bibliographical review, on the role of aesthetic appreciation, creativity, empathy and imagination in the creation of Mathematics, both in its aspect of scientific research and in Mathematics Education. We present some reflections based on the concept of empathy, originated from aesthetic experience.

Author Biographies

Antonio Carlos Brolezzi, IME-USP

Departamento de Matemática

Área de Educação Matemática

Iuri Naoto Nobre Ota, Professor de Matemática da EMEB Adamastor Baptista, Franco da Rocha, SP

Professor de Matemática da EMEB Adamastor Baptista, Franco da Rocha, SP. Aluno do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Matemática do IME-USP. 




