Quadratic function: mathematical language and the representation of a thought


  • Afrânio Austregésilo Thiel Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Camboriú
  • Thiago Henrique das Neves Barbosa Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Camboriú
  • Méricles Thadeu Thadeu Moretti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




This text aims to promote a deeper reflection on the teaching and learning of 'quadratic function', that is, what are the records of representation elaborated by the students and what their understanding of the elements pertinent to the theme. Some notions about the representation of a thought are initially emphasized, and then the analysis of questions elaborated and applied in two classes of the 1st. Year of the Technical Course in Agriculture Integrated to High School (52 students), Catarinense Federal Institute in Camboriú city. The researched research revives the need for every teacher to observe during the teaching and learning process the difficulties and cognitive advance regarding the mathematical practices performed by the students. In the experience, it was evident the difficulty that the students have to carry out the treatment and to convert records in the natural, algebraic and graphic language. What happens, in fact, is that students' understanding is limited to the form of representation they know and reproduce.

Author Biographies

Afrânio Austregésilo Thiel, Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Camboriú

Doutor em Educação Científica e Tecnológica (UFSC). Professor aposentado do IFC, Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Thiago Henrique das Neves Barbosa, Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Camboriú

Mestre em Ensino Ciência e Tecnologia (UTFPR). Professor do IFC, Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Méricles Thadeu Thadeu Moretti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Didática da Matemática (UNISTRA). Professor da UFSC, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil.




