Contributions of Multibase app for tablets to understand the "lend one" and the "get borrow one" at addition and subtraction operations




The research reported in this paper was developed in a municipal public school in Vitória city, Espírito Santo state, in a second-year class of elementary school. In this text, we analyze contributions of Multibase app to understand the "lend one" and the "get borrow one" expressions, both used in Brazil, when performing operations involving addition and subtraction algorithms. Multibase is an app developed for use in tablets that takes the Gold Material developed by the Italian educator Maria Montessori by reference. We take for analysis theories that involve the understanding of numerical bases and positional values of numerals in a numerical representation and contributions of manipulations of mobile devices, specifically tablets, in this process. We have observed, in the investigation, that it is not only about doing in the Multibase what already was done with pencil and paper. The simple manipulation of pieces, grouping and ungrouping, the students exchanging information each other, among other things, facilitated by mobility that tablet promote, are new ways of thinking and doing math.

Author Biographies

Rony C. O. Freitas, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Vito Rodrigues Franzosi, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo


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