Statistic Education and happiness: reflexion about sufficiency for a healthy life and sustainable for the Planet




In order to be effective, the process of teaching and learning, must take into consideration the organic, social, cognitive, emotional and physical conditions of the students. The learning options of the present require changes, because of what it is possible to notice in the society and the educational law for the basic school education, suggests teaching for everyday life. With this understanding, in a researching kind of view, we developed a project named Statistical and Emotional Skills and its goal is creating activities that allow working the Statistical curricular subjects and the interdimensional development in a transdisciplinary way, applying abilities  and watching which of them  are being built or which benefit from this teaching choice. The neuroscience and hedonistic sciences advances, bring contributions to the educational process, interface with the Statistical education and are a theoretical basis for this work. The methodology used came with an active methodology, conversations with students, theatrical improvisations applied to the education and the enrollment of family members in the activities. One of the activities was introduced and discussed with the 6th grade students of a private school. The results show that the students were involved in the activity in a strong way, presented a good use of the Statistical content in the lesson plan and could simultaneously reflect on basic human needs and distinguish the different ways of having needs, considering the environment. The answers presented by the family members in the research showed a contrast that made the thinking of those teenagers grow considerably.



Author Biographies

Diva Valério Novaes, Instituto Federal de São Paulo - Campus São Paulo

Doutora em Educação Matemática pela PUC-SP; pósdoutorado em Políticas Públicas e Adminstração Escolar pela Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP.

Pertence ao quadro permanete de professores de Matemática do IFSP, atuo como professora de Estatística e Matemática nos cursos de Licenciatura e Mestrado Profissional em Ciências e Matemática no IFSP. Coordena um grupo de pesquisa cadastrado no CNPq sobre Estatísca ou Matemática integradas a Educação Socioemocional.

Vanessa Maciel Mangelot, Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Mestranda em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática no (IFSP). Professora de Matemática na Educação Básica.


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Edição Especial: Educação Estatística