A proposal for joints between vector algebra and GeoGebra





In this work, we present some productions from a mini-course carried out in an event directed to graduates and teachers of mathematics in Basic Education. However, only students enrolled in this activity. The short course proposal was based on a study of the transit between the different vector representations in the numerical, algebraic and geometric domains, subsidized by the GeoGebra software, in order to point out ways for the establishment of assumptions of the emerging Paradigm of Questioning the World, whose pillars are based on the awakening of a prospective vision that opposes the Paradigm of Visiting Works. In this perspective, we take as theoretical support the Anthropological Theory of Didactics - ATD, which has one of the foundations centered on the analysis of mathematical didactic activities around a specific praxeological modeling, through the interaction between the practical and theoretical blocks. The activities were planned and developed considering tasks that are usually dealt with in classes or assessments of vector theory in the plan, aiming to point out directions for integrating the software into classes that address vector algebra. In terms of results, we identified that the participants abandoned the static and supporting position imposed by the traditional teaching model and assumed a leading role in the activities developed, both in the “pencil paper” environment and in the virtual environment, thus contributing to the formation of future mathematics teachers who question and not just visit works.

Author Biographies

Jany Santos Souza Goulart, State University of Feira de Santana

Assistant Teacher at the Department of Exact Sciences - DEXA at the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS.

Master in Design Culture and Interactivity - UEFS.

Doctoral student of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching Philosophy and History of Sciences - PPGEFHC - (UFBA / UEFS)

Address to access this CV:

Luiz Marcio Santos Farias, Federal University of Bahia

Titular Teacher, Institute of Humanities, Arts and Sciences Milton Santos (IHAC), from the Federal University of Bahia-UFBA.

PhD in Didactics of Mathematics. Université de Montpellier II, UM2, France.

Permanent teacher at the Graduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences at UFBA / UEFS.

Address to access this CV:

Claudiano Goulart, State University of Feira de Santana

Titular Teacher at DEXA - Department of Exact Sciences - State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS)

Master and PhD  in Mathematics - UnB (University of Brasíla)
Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Mathematics - UEFS

Address to access this CV:


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