Learning environments versus meaningful learning: an analysis of practices developed in the training of mathematics teachers in Benguela-Angola





Learning environments are contexts of interaction between the teacher and students and students among themselves, when properly conceived by the teacher. The involvement of students in the realization of tasks marks the essence of learning environments, animated by dialogue, mediated by the teacher, who seeks to explore and develop the skills of students to conjecture, argue, conclude, validate, evaluate, from which it builds and assimilates new meanings, making learning conscious and meaningful. However, their creation depends on how the teacher conceives them, and may favor or disadvantage the development of meaningful learning. However, the teacher's action in the classroom may be a reflection of the learning to stem from the training, in which the experiences of the trainer, especially in the practice phase, influence the professional practices of future teachers. Thus, looking at the training of mathematics teachers, especially in the phase of pedagogical practice, the following question is formulated: do the experiences transmitted to future teachers in the realization of pedagogical practice, ensure the implementation by future professionals of actions that promote meaningful learning in their students? It is intended to understand whether the training practices developed favor the development of meaningful learning and can constitute experiences for future teachers in the performance of professional activity. The study followed a qualitative approach of descriptive and interpretative nature, whose results show the development of a teaching centered on memorization, framed in the traditional model of teaching and learning, to the detriment of meaningful learning.

Author Biography

Alberto Domingos Jacinto Quitembo, Higher Institute of Educational Sciences, Katyavala Bwila University in Benguela

Alberto Domingos Jacinto Quitembo, PhD in Educational Sciences didactics option of Mathematics, professor of the Department of Exact Sciences of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences, Katyavala Bwila University in Benguela.



Area of interest: Teacher training, pedagogical practice, didactics of mathematics


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