Professional didactic: training environment and work environment




Professional Didactics originated in France, appearing in the late 1990s, with the purpose of understanding and professional development of adults, involving the training environment and the work environment. In Brazil, Professional Didactics appears in Alves' research (2018a; 2018b; 2018c; 2018d; 2019a; 2019b). The aim of this study is to present a brief reflection on professional development, involving the training environment and the work environment, aiming at understanding the importance of PD in / for the formation of the mathematics teacher who works in basic education. Therefore, a theoretical reflection on the theme is presented based on research already carried out on the theme, and some reflections on the relations of PD in the pedagogical practice of the school mathematics classroom are shown. Searches were carried out in databases of national and international journals on the subject to give greater scope to our investigation. Testimonies from subjects in locus of formation were also found. The selected articles, as well as the testimonies, provided us with greater reflection on the analyzes, and allowed us to infer that without the dialectic between the relationship between the training environment and the work environment, the teacher moves away from the reality of his didactics . Considering this relevant topic, we propose to expand this discussion at a more in-depth scientific level.

Author Biographies

Haiani Larissa de Souza Mendes, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará

Master's Degree in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE / Fortaleza). Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Ceará.

Francisco Régis Vieira Alves, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará

He has a post-doctorate with an emphasis on teaching Mathematics (UFC - 2011). He is currently a full professor at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of the state of Ceará / IFCE in the Mathematics Degree course and CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship. He also works in the Professional Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching (ENCIMA) - UFC. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching - PGECM / IFCE (academic).

Maria José Costa dos Santos, Federal University of Ceara

Professor in the Pedagogy Course (FACED / UFC). Researcher and advisor in graduate education programs - (PPGE / UFC), and professional Master's in Science and Mathematics teaching - (ENCIMA / UFC). Coordinator of the Education, Curriculum and Teaching Research Line (LECE / PPGE), and coordinator of the Teacher Training Program at the Federal University of Ceará.


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