Mapping of Brazilian theses related to the continuing education of teachers teaching mathematics: period 2007-2018




In this article, we aim to present or map the Brazilian theses produced in the period from 2007 to 2018, which address, directly or indirectly, a continuing education of teachers who teach mathematics. We analyze twenty-eight tests produced in different graduate programs through titles, keywords, abstracts and catalog data. We present results regarding the concentration area of graduate programs, type of university, year of publication, region of the country, training model (face-to-face, semi-face or distance learning), subjects, identification of categories of teaching knowledge and relationship with the teaching identity. An analysis revealed that twenty-two theses were carried out in São Paulo University programs distributed in private and public (state and federal). With a focus on the relationship between the academy and the basic school, we concluded that there is a specific interest of the academy and there is not a consolidated space for the production of knowledge for both sectors.We also show that continuing education is used as a strategy for the development of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of the content, in the vast majority (22 cases), occurring in person. Regarding the subjects, we observed a balance between the number of training courses for specialist and generalist teachers, thirteen for each one and only once worked with two types of teachers, that is, it is a promotion offered as practical training. A gap is that the studies studied do not address Knowledge of content, Knowledge of students and Knowledge of educational skills, as their philosophical and historical foundations.

In this article, we aim to present or map the Brazilian theses produced in the period from 2007 to 2018, which address,

directly or indirectly, a continuing education of teachers who teach mathematics. We analyze twenty-eight tests produced in different graduate programs through titles, keywords, abstracts and catalog data. We present results regarding the concentration area of graduate programs, type of university, year of publication, region of the country, training model (face-to-face, semi-face or distance learning), subjects, identification of categories of teaching knowledge and relationship with the teaching identity. An analysis revealed that twenty-two theses were carried out in São Paulo University programs distributed in private and public (state and federal). With a focus on the relationship between the academy and the basic school, we concluded that there is a specific interest of the academy and there is not a consolidated space for the production of knowledge for both sectors. We also show that continuing education is used as a strategy for the development of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of the content, in the vast majority (22 cases), occurring in person. Regarding the subjects, we observed a balance between the number of training courses for specialist and generalist teachers, thirteen for each one and only once worked with two types of teachers, that is, it is a promotion offered as practical training. A gap is that the studies studied do not address Knowledge of content, Knowledge of students and Knowledge of educational skills, as their philosophical and historical foundations.

Author Biographies

Anderson Adelmo Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Professor Doutorando em Educação Matemática pela PUC-SP 1º semestre 2018. Professor Mestre em Matemática em Rede Nacional pela Universidade Federal do ABC (2016). Atualmente é diretor de escola da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, e professor do Ensino Médio na rede Estadual de São Paulo. Licenciado em matemática pela Universidade Brás Cubas e Pedagogia pela Universidade Nove de Julho, e pós graduado lato sensu em Educação Especial pela UNESP-Marília e em Gestão Escolar pela Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi. Experiência em docência de Matemática, para ensino Fundamental II e Médio, experiência como generalista no Ensino Fundamental I, e como Diretor de Escola.

Barbara Lutaif Bianchini, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Possui graduação em Matemática - Licenciatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1978), graduação em Matemática Bacharelado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1978), graduação em Licenciatura Em Pedagogia pela Universidade de Franca (1988), mestrado em Educação Matemática pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1992) e doutorado em Educação (Psicologia da Educação) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2001). Atualmente é professor associado da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Educação algébrica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: educação algébrica, educação matemática, álgebra linear, registros de representação semiótica e formação de professores.


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