Flattening COVID-19's curve: Arguing Strategies Using GeoGebra






Motivated by COVID-19 pandemic, in this work we approach the two main strategies to fight the proliferation of this disease: the social distancing and the improving people’s hygiene habits. The objective is to take this discussion into the school environment, seeking to show students at this level of education, that these actions can directly influence the transmission rate of the virus, and to lead the flattening of the infected curve.In this sense, we development a qualitative research, with an exploratory-explanatory characteristic, anchored in mathematical modeling, aiming to describe the effectiveness of these strategies from experimentation in a computational environment.Therefore, from the classic epidemiological model SIR, we developed two applications on GeoGebra. The first one is presented in the form of experimentation activity, directed to the student, exemplifying the application of mathematics in real-world problems: the spread of diseases. The second one is for the teacher; It shows how to lend the reputation of mathematics, the strength of modeling as a teaching and learning methodology, and the power of dynamic mathematics from GeoGebra to reinforce the importance of measures to combat COVID-19, that due to economic consequences, they suffer increasing resistance by the people. Our applications demonstrate the GeoGebra increasing ability to deal with sophisticated mathematical model. As hence, it is possible to discussing relevant social problemas in basic education already, with effective participation of the students.

Author Biographies

Esdras Jafet Aristides da Silva, University of Pernambuco


Esdras Jafet Aristides da Silva

Universidade de Pernambuco - Campus Mata Norte

Prof. Adjunto do Departamento de Matemática


CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7486654197584482

Atuação: Matemática Aplicada/ Ensino de Matemática / Epidemiologia Matemática/ Matemática Computacional.

Doutor em Matemática pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Douglas de Souza Rodrigues da Silva, University of Pernambuco


Douglas de Souza Rodrigues da Silva

Universidade de Pernambuco - Campus Mata Norte


CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9768062806218799


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