Reflections about the Statistics Education in the Math’s Teaching education courses: analysis of the Pedagogical Projects from IFSP




This study aimed to analyze in the Pedagogical Projects of Math’s Teaching education courses from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP) if exists, and in so, how proposals that enable undergraduate students to reflect about the reasons to teach Statistics in Middle and High School are articulated. In this way, was accomplished a documental analysis, using by method the content analysis, with categories that were based in the following types of teacher knowledge: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and curricular knowledge. The analysis was accomplished under a theoretical referential defined according to the categories, relating the curricular components suchlike to the Statistics present in the courses to these theoretical elements. The concepts from the Curriculum Theories were considered according a historical description of this field. In Statistics Education, we considered the statistical reasoning, thinking and literacy. The obtained results were that the elements related to the content knowledge were present, but not fully articulated with the research’s in the area propose. The pedagogical content was observed in generic terms, the theoretical aspects from the Statistics Educations not being recurrent. The curricular knowledge, the emphasis was in Ambiental, ethnic-racial and multicultural aspects, nevertheless, was the scarcest one from the three types of knowledge analyzed. We consider that the results don’t point to a reflexive formation to the teaching of Statistics in Middle and High Schools, but we highlight the potential of construction of a practice in this way.

Author Biographies

Ramon Santana Domingues, Sem afiliação

Amari Goulart, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo Campus São Paulo, Departamento de Ciências e Matemática, São Paulo, Brasil


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