Report of a teaching-pedagogical experiment with cooperative learning




This study aims to present the results of a didactic-pedagogical investigation concerning cooperative learning carried out during the mathematics leveling course for students entering the undergraduate and bachelor's degree in Mathematics at a Brazilian federal university. It is qualitative research, applying the methodology of the didactic experiment, from the perspective of the historical-cultural theory and the theory of the developmental teaching of Vasili Davidov. We used data collection instruments, direct observation, audiovisual records, questionnaires with open and closed questions, interviews. Data showed that few students used to study mathematics in a group, many had difficulties in basic mathematics, satisfaction, and interest in group work. Improving social interaction was the most suggested by students to their peers, as a way to improve the group's work. We highlight in the student's testimonies the presence of the promoting interaction, the approval of the methodology and the performance of the teachers who worked in the course, and the recognition of the importance of this course, to review basic mathematics content. The obtained results allow us to affirm that the didactic-formative experiment combined with the fundamental principles of cooperative learning, reveals itself as a particularly useful methodology for studies that aim at the integration of theory and practice in the field of Mathematics Education.

Author Biographies

Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Departamento de Matemática.

Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC/SP, Brasil

Educação Matemática


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