Mobilizing proportional reasoning in solving percentage problems




This work aims to show results and data analysis of an evaluation that dealt with percentage increases or decreases of values ??or amounts in solving the first 3 problems out of a total of 6 (six), as part of an evaluation. The purpose that guided the study was to describe the nature of the subjects' solutions, according to the level of proportional reasoning involved, in order to identify and understand how the learning occurred and the nature of the teaching interventions sent by the teacher. The results of the evaluation, applied to 12 of the 28 students in the class, in a public school classroom, took place in the next class after the development and exploration of concepts associated with the exercise of proportional reasoning via concepts present in linear functions during reflections for solving Financial Mathematics problems over 4 classes, duration of 40 minutes each.It is a qualitative research, in the form of strategic action-research, according to (FRANCO, 2005), according to which data analysis constituted the motto to point out indications regarding the appropriation of proportional reasoning during the resolution of problems of this nature. The results showed that the methodology and the resolution procedures did not attract the students to solve the problems proposed in the evaluation.

Author Biography

Paulo Jorge Magalhães Teixeira, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Instituto de Matemática e Estatística.

Doutor em Educação Matemática, Pesquisas na área de Formação de Professores, Departamento de Análise (GAN).


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