An experimentation with active methodology: Flipped classroom as a model for teaching probability




Probability is the branch of science responsible for guiding everyday actions that demand the use of data, as well as its manipulation and interpretation for decision-making. However, a major challenge for their learning effective is to overcome mechanical and repetitive producers. It is then necessary to explore the different teaching strategies that can significantly assist in learning the concepts and processes associated with the theme. In the context, a didactic sequence was developed and applied using Hybrid Teaching as the active methodology, in particular the Flipped Classroom subcategory, to assist in the learning of Probability. Thus, we sought to enrich the pedagogical practice through a methodological approach with the integrated use of digital technologies aimed at the personalizing of teaching. The research is quantitative and qualitative, where the data collected sought to investigate the student’s performance and reactions. The results showed that the Flipped Classroom can, in fact, contribute to the learning of the proposed theme, with the development of autonomy and critical sense as well as the argumentative and socializing ability being highlighted as main contributions.

Author Biographies

Josie Pacheco de Vasconcellos Souza, Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Mathematics from Instituto Federal Fluminense and Master in Mathematics from Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense. Has experience in the areas of Teaching and Mathematical Education. She is currently a Professor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, allocated at the Colégio Estadual Olímpio Saturnino de Brito.

Nelson Machado Barbosa, State University of the North Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro

Graduated in Mathematics from the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), Specialist in Mathematics and Statistics from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and in Applied Mathematics in Biosystems from CEFET / RJ. Master and Doctor in Computational Modeling from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Has experience in Statistics, Hyperbolic Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Epidemiological Dynamics in Complex Networks, Mathematics Education and Applied Physics. Currently works with applied mathematics and scientific computing and Mathematics Education, working on the following topics: "Numerical Study for Non-linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws using High Resolution Numerical Schemes" and "Pedagogical Methodologies and Proposals for Teaching and Learning in Mathematics". He is a Professor and Researcher at the Mathematical Sciences Laboratory at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF). He is currently Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Program of the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad - OBMEP-RJ-ONE06.


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