Study of circumference in the light of rené descartes axiomatic principles. A look at the teaching-learning context of the bié's pedagogical high school (esp-bié)




This article presents a relative study to the circumference, with base to the program of Analytical Geometry of the first year of the course of Mathematics of the Pedagogic Superior School of Bié, following the logical-deductive beginnings introduced by René Descartes. The original vision that was in the base of this study, has to do with a diagnosis done to the first author through an abbreviation oral presentation of a mathematical theme of elementary level regarding the teaching of the circumference, in the extent of the plan curricular of the chair of Project of Teaching I of the Course of Master's degree in Mathematics for Teachers in the University of Interior Edge in Portugal. Whose result of the diagnosis reveals an immense list of inadequacies, relatively the teacher's incapacity in teaching the content of the circumference in the perspective of a teaching that leaves of the simplest for the more compound, demonstrating the results in the base of theorems and propositions adapted a priori, what promoted a less significant learning on the part of the students, in this extent. In this sense, it intends to invert that picture, with the accomplishment of this research whose objective is to contribute for the improvement of the teaching of the Analytical Geometry with matter it enhances to the theme of the circumference in the course of Mathematics of the Pedagogic Superior School of Bié. The same is directed with view to give answer the following subject of the research: how to improve the teaching and learning of the Analytical Geometry with emphasis to the theme of the circumference, in the students of the first year of the course of Mathematics of the Pedagogic Superior School of Bié? The methodological orientation is of the qualitative type and the descriptive approach, because it was observed, to analyze and to describe the resolution procedures used by the teachers and students in the study of the circumference, including the bibliographical revision of the support materials used as basic bibliography in the referred discipline.  

Author Biographies

Ezequias Adolfo Cassela, Bié Higher Pedagogical School

Exact Sciences Department

Rosa Maria de Nascimento, Bié Higher Pedagogical School

Exact Sciences Department


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