Traces of school mathematical modeling for the teaching of polynomies


  • Manoel Lucival Da Silva Oliveira Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará (EA/UFPA)
  • Gleison de Jesus Marinho Sodré Universidade Federal do Pará - Lotado na Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará.



The objective of this article is to create certain conditions from the use of concrete materials inspired by objects of school geometry, which makes possible, in some way, the teaching of polynomials in the eighth grade of elementary school. This problem is inserted in the context of the didactic transposition of knowledge and, more broadly, of notions of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics delimited by one of the teaching problems of theoretical reference as well as the cognitive line. For this, we assume the resources of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics as an instrument of analysis from empirical experiments observed in a course with students of the eighth grade of elementary school in a public school. The results found reveal potentialities of the initial conditions created in the classroom, but only in the act, other conditions gradually emerged in the study process that made possible the algebraic mathematical modeling from the geometric structuring with concrete materials giving sense and meaning to the polynomial practices.



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