Pedagogical conceptions of teachers in the Literacy Cycle about mathematics evaluation




The present study is part of a qualitative research, outlined in a Case Study. Its main objective was to understand the pedagogical conceptions about evaluation in Mathematics of a group of teachers of the Literacy Cycle of a municipal school in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The group met five times in order to discuss the evaluation and the processes involved in this pedagogical practice. The data were collected from diaries written by the teachers and the recording and transcription of the meetings held. From the data analysis, it was found that the teachers fall into three categories referring to the pedagogical conceptions they have about evaluation: evaluation as a didactic work, like advertising, and as a lens for difference. Finally, it was observed that many of these conceptions originate from the existing tradition, as well as from other factors, in addition there is still a need to expand the relationship between assessment and didactics.

Author Biography

Paola Reyer, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande FURG

Pedagoga. Mestre e Doutorandda em Educação em Ciências. FURG


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