Theses and Dissertations on the Teaching and Learning of Combinatorics: Investigative Perspectives




This article aims to present the results of a bibliographic survey of theses and dissertations defended in Brazil from 2015 to 2019 in the context of teaching and learning combinatorics to identify the investigative perspectives of these productions. In this way, we sought to expand the understanding of the investigative space on the teaching and learning of combinatorics in basic school and to point out ways for future research on this theme. As this is a bibliographic study, with an inventive and descriptive character, it is included in the list of researches called state of the art. Thus, fifty-five productions were analyzed: two doctoral theses; ten academic master's theses; forty-three professional master's theses, of which thirty-three came from the Professional Master's in Mathematics in the National Network - PROFMAT. The analyzes of these productions led to the identification of five investigative perspectives: teaching proposals and / or didactic sequences for combinatorial analysis; curriculum documents and textbooks in which combinatorial analysis is present; teacher training and combinatorial analysis; resources for teaching combinatorial analysis; combinatorial problem-solving strategies. It is noteworthy that it was decided to consider the dissertations defended in the PROFMAT scope separately, due to their particularities.

Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo de Campos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP

Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP


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