Theory of semiotic representation records and linear systems: contributions of a teaching sequence




This article presents partial results of a research carried out with students of a Mathematics Degree course in Rio Grande do Sul, with the objective of investigating the contributions of a didactic sequence for the teaching and learning of Systems of Linear Equations, in the light of Theory of Semiotic Representation Records. For this, a didactic sequence on Linear Equation Systems was applied, divided into four blocks. The first block was intended to familiarize with possible and impossible 2x2 systems, through problems; the second block was composed of problems involving possible 3x3 and 5x4 systems, the third block brought problems referring to impossible 3x3 systems and, finally, the fourth block developed the graphical representation of 2x2 systems. We conclude that most students were able to move at least between two different types of representations of the same mathematical object, however they presented difficulties in the graphical representation of linear systems.

Author Biographies

Carolina Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Franciscana (UFN)

Carolina Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Franciscana, orcid:0000-0003-2416-6403, curriculo lattes:

Vanilde Bisognin, Universidade Franciscana- UFN

Vanilde Bisgonin, Universidade Franciscana, orcid: 0000-0001-5718-4777, currículo lattes:


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