The use of thought experiment as a possible methodology for teaching mathematics: an epistemological vision




This article is part of the results of the theoretical research Semiotics and the Thought Experiments in teaching and learning in mathematics. The objective of this text is to present the characteristics of the Thought Experiments, in order to externalize them as a possible methodology for the teaching of Mathematics. In order to achieve this objective, we have undertaken a methodological path that has sought to analyze textbooks, articles and other sources, which have allowed us to interpret the epistemological aspects of mathematical knowledge and its resonance in teaching. These interpretations led us to understand how important it is to apply thought experiments in the development of a given activity or mathematical proof in the process of teaching and learning this science. Thought Experiments are ways in which the subject has to place his own thoughts, anchored to a well-defined context, through a representation, as the object of consideration in a given mathematical proof and/or activity.

Author Biography

Willian José Cruz, Professor da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Departamento de Matemática

Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, atuo no programa de pós-graduação em Educação Matemática na mesma instituição. Sou doutor em Educação Matemática pela UNIAN e mestre em Educação Matemática pela UFJF.


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