Integrable functions and Riemann´ s Integral: a contribute to Didactical Engineering and of Instrumental orchestration




estratégias de aplicação do aprendido, aprendizagem, mediação, transferência de aprendizagem.


The main goal of this paper is to present a sequency of instrumental orchestrations which aim the teaching of the concepts of integrable functions and Riemann integral. The subjects of the research were 21 undergraduate students in mathematics at the Federal University of Amazonas. So, a qualitative research with descriptive disposition was made whose guiding methodology was the Didactic Engineer and in a perspective of complementarity we adopt a research design aiming the use of the Registers of Semiotics Representation Theory, with the purpose of describing and structuring situations of teaching which sought to investigate if the proposed sequency of instrumental orchestrations contributed to the comprehension of the mathematics objects approached. In the list of compiled and presented data, as outcomes, we evidenced that most students demonstrated to understand the concept of integrable function, they were able to find the area under a curve and explain their procedures, including in natural language, define the definite integral in words and symbols, interpret and represent the integral graphically, evaluate the integrals and recognize the application of them in the real world.

Author Biographies

Francisco Eteval Feitosa, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Departamento de Matemática.

Roberta dos Santos Rodrigues , Universidade Federal do Amazonas




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