Sociocultural artifacts of Cuito / Bié-Angola for teaching Geometry - Circumference from an Ethnomatematic perspective




This article explored the potential of two cultural based activities in the teaching-learning of item No. 1 of topic 1.4.1 of the Analytical Geometry II Program of the first year of Mathematics at Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié, referring to the circumference. The Ethnomathematics approach was followed, recognizing its relationship with Vygostsky's historical-cultural perspective. The socio-cultural context of the study was the municipality of Cuito, in the Province of Bié in Angola. The objective was to identify cultural artifacts to improve the teaching-learning process of Geometry, emphasizing the study of circumference. The study was carried out in order to answer the following scientific question: what is the potential of cultural artifacts for the teaching of Geometry, with an emphasis on circumference in the Municipality of Cuito? With the reference synthesis on Ethnomathematics, its importance was emphasized in the development of actions for the area of ??Mathematics Education that allow contextualizing the academic contents addressed in the classroom in a sociocultural dimension. The data collected through the applied methods were mathematically interpreted by the students with the mediation of the teacher in order to extract the geometric knowledge hidden in these activities. Throughout the development of activities related to the study of circumference, the potential of these artifacts was noted, since students felt motivated to include elements that are part of their contexts with relevant mathematical components, giving a new look to their cultural environment and a sense of their own learning.

Author Biographies

Ezequias Adolfo Domingos Cassela, Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié

Departamento de Ciências Exatas

Pedro Chimbinda Avelino , Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié

 Departamento de ciências exatas, setor de Matemática. Doutor em ciências da Educação, opção ensino da Matemática, coordenador do curso de licenciatura em Matemática da Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié


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