How are early years math teaching books addressing financial education after the inclusion of this theme in the BNCC?




This article has as purpose expose and discuss the results of an inquiry that has as general point analyze a work with financial education in a didactic books collection of mathematics in the early years of elementary school, after obligatoriness of discussions about this thematic in official forms. With a rampant consumption and a big influence of the middle, the financial education proposes to contribute for the social and economic development of the society, stimulating to look with a critical look for these questions. The research was based in the qualitative approach and in the methodology of documental analysis. On this case, was analyzed didactic mathematics books approved by the PNLD (2019), making sure the analysis of activities existing in the before mentioned didactic books, that are based in the content’s analysis. The results show us that, in comparison with the state of Santos (2017) that analyzed too the financial education in didactic books of mathematics in the early years of elementary school) the quantity of activities founded was bigger, and this is a big indicative that the space for this discussion increased (these results are from a research before the obligatoriness of these discussions). Meanwhile, we defend that the financial education isn’t still treated with a big and due attention and caution by the didactic books. We can prove it by the low variety of thematic about this subject, the necessity to consult the manual of the teacher to have a bigger reflection about this and the exact orientation of work with a financial education.


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