The statistical literacy of mathematics graduates




The objective of including statistics in the mathematics curriculum in the school context at different levels is the development of students’ statistical literacy. For this development to occur, it is necessary that the teacher have appropriate knowledge, as well as to be statistically literate. In this article, we analyze the cognitive and affective components of statistical literacy of the graduates. The study was conducted with 18 participants participating in a specialization course for mathematics teachers. The data were collected through a questionnaire applied in the first session of the statistics module included in this specialization course. The results indicate that the participants have difficulties in recognizing the meaning and association with a context with regard to measures of central tendency and to graphic representations.

Author Biography

João Pedro Mendes da Ponte, Universidade de Lisboa

Doutor em Mathematics Education na University of Georgia, EUA

Professor Catedrático na Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, Lisboa, Portugal


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Dossiê Temático: Pesquisas em Formação de Professores que Ensinam Matemática