Mathematical Modeling in the situation of a geometric garden construction: possibilities and challenges




This article aims to propose reflections of knowledge regarding the educational system of teaching, through practical activities developed in the school context of basic education. Based on this presupposition, it is presented the description of a teaching intervention in Programa Residência Pedagógica (PRP), subproject of the Mathematics course, at the Federal University (blind evaluation omitted). The work had as objective to present the possibilities and the challenges that the investigation of the proposal of Mathematical Modeling allows in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The theme was related to the community garden in order to understand the mathematical concepts of angles and polygons. Throughout the development of the intervention, the concept of Applied Modeling was fundamental as a means to guide the teaching and learning process, which was divided into stages that gradually increased the complexity and deepened the contents, implementing the union between the knowledge that is part of the students' daily life and scientific and mathematical knowledge. Based on a framework of Mathematical Modeling focusing on meaningful learning, it was possible to identify that the challenges are from a place to make the garden, previous knowledge about measures, recognizing the patterns to solve the problem-situation of modeling. However, developing different practices in the school environment favors expanding mathematics for everyone, for meaningful learning in different contexts. 


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