Signed Algorithms In Addition And Subtraction

Deaf Children’s Arithmetic


  • Silene Pereira Madalena Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos
  • Claudia Coelho de Segadas-Vianna



The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of 67 deaf students from the first three years of Elementary School, users of Libras - Brazilian Sign Language, in doing calculations of addition and subtraction. The main strategies used by students were described, mistakes frequently done were identified and related to the strategies employed. Both, quantitative and qualitative analysis, revealed there was an academic progression with schooling. It was identified the use of particular forms in the resolution of calculations that can be attributed to the visuospatial modality of Sign Language: signed algorithms. Such strategies come from the way  deaf users of Sign Languages represent, count and operate with numbers. They bring characteristics of their own, that distinguish them from the ways listeners  operate with their fingers.


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