Initial training of mathematics teachers

reflections on the approach with the school field




Social demands have changed at a rapid pace, so it is urgent to update pedagogical methodologies to rethink the training processes of teachers. In this sense, this research aims to understand how Mathematics undergraduates approach the school field. To this end, interviews were conducted with six graduates of the Mathematics undergraduate course. The interviews were analyzed using Collective Subject Discourse. From this analysis process, three discourses emerged, however, in this article only the discourse "Approaching the school field" will be analyzed, which addresses the reflection on the importance of the undergraduate student to experience the school context since the beginning of the undergraduate course, because when there is integration between university and school, more capable professionals are formed. The reflections raise that the dichotomy between theory and practice is still present and recurrent in mathematics teacher education courses, so the study points to the need to experience the insertion in the school space throughout the initial training, providing undergraduates with the opportunity to learn about professional knowledge of being a teacher.


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Dossiê Temático: Pesquisas em Formação de Professores que Ensinam Matemática