Special education and Libras in undergraduate mathematics courses: professional knowledge for inclusive teacher education





The Libras subject (Brazilian Sign Language) has been mandatory since 2005 in all Undergraduate and Speech–language pathology courses throughout Brazil. This text presents the results of a documentary research of the Pedagogical Projects of Undergraduate Mathematics Courses in the State of Paraná, based on the following question: what influences on professional knowledge and for an inclusive teaching performance are enabled by the Libras subject? For data collection, we analyzed the Pedagogical Projects and the syllabuses of the Libras subject and subjects that have inclusive education as a focus. The analysis of the syllabuses of the Libras subject aimed to identify to what extent, beyond the linguistic aspects, this subject contributes to an inclusive education. As a conclusion, the Libras subject is the only one in the scope of Inclusive Education present in curricula of mandatory nature guaranteed by legislation. It was also observed that, in addition to linguistic aspects of it, historical, political and cultural aspects of deaf education are addressed. From the results presented in the analysis, one can highlight the theoretical aspects that contribute to a better understanding of the historical, political and cultural context of this language and, among the linguistic aspects, the grammar value of the non-manual components, that is, the body/facial expressions, which favor the non-verbal communication between teachers and students, contributing to the performance of the teacher in inclusive or common





Author Biography

Djerly Simonetti, Rede pública de Ensino de Santa Catarina

Professora de Rede pública de Ensino de Santa Catarina



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