Elements of the practice of a community of teachers in the exploration of tasks involving algebric thinking





The aim of this article is to analyze elements of the practice of a community of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years of elementary school, in a context of continuing education, in order to discuss their contribution to the promotion of professional learning related to algebraic thinking. This is a qualitative, interpretive-interventionist study of the actions of this group, triggered by the resolution and exploration of tasks that mobilize algebraic thinking. The dynamics assumed by the group and the involvement of the participants show the characteristics of a Community of Practice - CoP. The elements of the practice of this CoP that were potential for the teachers' learning are associated with negotiation of meanings, undertakings and communication. The results suggest that training spaces in the context of study groups from the perspective of CoPs provide promising moments for the development of professional learning.


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Dossiê Temático: Pesquisas em Formação de Professores que Ensinam Matemática