Selection and application of Descriptive Statistics tools by Angolan higher education students


  • José António Fernandes Universidade do Minho
  • Nelson Osvaldo Neto Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul



Descriptive statistics, Statistical tools, Angolan students, Higher education


The article studies the knowledge of higher education students about the selection and application of Descriptive Statistics, numerical and graphical tools, in solving tasks of an open nature. Eighty-seven higher education students participated in the study, who were attending the 2nd year of the Degree in Accounting and Management and in Animal Science, at a Higher Polytechnic Institute of Angola. The students answered a questionnaire consisting of six questions on various contents of Descriptive Statistics, of which we studied here only two: one involves the selection of adequate statistical tools and the other deals with the application of statistical tools. In terms of results, in general, the poor performance of students in any of the items stands out, being a little better in the case of those related to the selection of statistical tools than in the case of the application of these tools. In view of these results, it is important to improve student performance, as Descriptive Statistics tools are of the greatest relevance in employment, daily life, and social participation.

Author Biographies

José António Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

Departamento de Estudos Integrados de Literacia, Didáctica e Supervisão

Nelson Osvaldo Neto, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul

Departamento de Administração e Negócios


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