Solving linear systems:

a proposal for a mathematical intervention in the pedagogical residency




Problem Solving, Linear System, Pedagogical Residency


This report aims to present an intervention experience through the Pedagogical Residency Program of the undergraduate mathematics course of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes) Vitória campus. It is worth mentioning that, after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, this was the first pedagogical practice carried out in person in this edition of the program. This experience happened in an intervention carried out in two classes of the second year of high school in the field school belonging to the state education system located in the same city. We chose Linear Systems as curricular content and adopted Problem Solving as the teaching methodology. The development of this regency provided a dialogical space for the construction and investigation of solutions in the algebraic and geometric field for the proposed problems whose solutions touch the concepts of linear systems. The results indicated that the planning and execution of the class met the objectives, considering that the students actively participated in the construction of solutions and were protagonists in this exploratory-investigative process.


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