Reflections on Ethnic-Racial Relations and the Teaching of Mathematics




Mathematics Teaching, Law 10.639/03, Curricular Guidelines, Fundamental School Level


Ethnic-racial relations is a complex issue that involves different aspects, including those linked to educational processes. In this sense, the curriculum becomes a field to be analyzed, since it must constitute a tool that enables learning from reflections and practices that value cultural diversity, as well as providing the deconstruction of discourses and educational practices that silence or stereotype people of different ethnic and cultural origins, promoting an education with equity from an ethical and racial point of view. This article presents aspects of an academic master research in progress. The study has a qualitative approach and aims to analyze the possible articulations between the teaching of mathematics and ethnic-racial relations in the final years of fundamental school level. An analysis carried out in the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) is focused. It is identified that the document cites the current legislation of Law 10639/03 and in its guidelines some curricular proposals are presented that allow the approach of the contents and knowledge of the African matrix, indigenous and Afro-Brazilian peoples. However, it is clear that the BNCC guidelines consider the theme only to follow legal determinations and that even with the possibility of its approach in some curricular contents, it is necessary to elaborate and carry out educational proposals that promote an anti-racist education, and that the theme is not presented superficially only as transversal and integrative contents.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Ferreira Monteiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE

Post-Doctorate at Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB, Belgium (2019-2020) and at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon - Portugal (2014-2015) with a Capes scholarship; PhD in Education from the University of Warwick - England (2005) and Master in Cognitive Psychology from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE (1998) with a CNPq scholarship; Graduated in Psychology from UFPE (1990). Visiting researcher at the Free University of Brussels - Belgium (2012) and at the University of Leicester - England (2007). Associate Professor IV at the Department of Psychology, Inclusion and Education at the UFPE Education Center, teaches in Undergraduate Degree Courses, is a permanent professor and advisor in the Master's and Doctoral Courses in the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics and Technological Education - Edumatec - UFPE. She has experience in the area of ​​Psychology in Education, especially in the interfaces with teacher training and teaching and learning processes. He is currently leader of GPEMCE - Research Group on Mathematics Education in Rural Education Contexts and of GPEME - Research Group on Mathematics and Statistics Education. The main themes of research and guidance are mainly linked to the following topics: Teaching and Learning of Mathematics; Mathematics Education in Rural Education contexts; Sociocultural factors related to the development and use of mathematical knowledge; Teaching and Learning of Statistics; Statistical Literacy; Aspects of Mathematics and Statistics teaching and learning in Youth and Adult Education


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Dossiê Temático: Ed. MTM em diálogo com a Ed. do Campo, Indígena e Quilombola