Ruptures and Forgetting Between Manipulating, Seeing, Saying and Writing

history of a sequence of activities in geometry




Aprendizagem da geometria


The observations centered on the experience of a procedure that dealt with a way of introducing geometry. The primary objective of teaching was, first, to teach students to see figures as mathematicians see them, as this condition is essential for acquiring knowledge in geometry and for making them capable of using them in another situation. Concretely, this means that it is necessary, first, to make students move from the natural way of seeing figures, which consists of an immediate perceptual recognition of closed contours in 2D, to the mathematical way of looking at them, which, on the contrary, focuses on straight lines. and 1D segments and 0D intersection points. This leads to seeing a network of lines underlying the different 2D shapes recognized at a first glance (Duval, 2005; Duval and Godin, 2005).

Author Biography

Méricles Thadeu Moretti, GPEEM/PPGECT/UFSC



DUVAL R., 2005. Les conditions cognitives de l’apprentissage de la géométrie : développement de la visualisation, différenciation des raisonnements et coordination de leurs fonctionnements. Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, n° 10, 5-53.

DUVAL R., 2007. Cognitive functioning and the understanding of the mathematical processes of proof. In (Ed. P. Boero) Theorems in schools, 137-161. Rotterdam/Tapei : Sense

DUVAL R., 2012. Quelles théories et quelles méthodes pour les recherches sur l’enseignement des mathématiques ? Praxis Educativa Vol/ 7, N° 2, p. 305-330.

DUVAL R., GODIN M., 2005. Les changements de regard nécessaires sur les figures. Grand N, n° 76, 7-27.




