Relationships between algebraic and computational thinking in activities proposed by textbook collections




Algebra, Pattern, Algorithm


This investigation aims to analyze how collections of Mathematics textbooks, approved by the PNLD, expose situations that require the algorithms construction and/or execution in the study of the sequences concept. For that, opted for a qualitative research, using assumptions of Content Analysis. The data production sources are eight collections of Mathematics textbooks from the Final Years of Elementary School, approved by PNLD/2020. Data analysis was based on the following criteria: types of patterns; types of sequences; phases of a pattern; PC concepts/pillars; representations used for algorithms construction and/or execution. When analyzing the textbook collections, 26 situations were identified, based on the above-mentioned criteria. Regarding the types of patterns, it was found that most situations explore the numerical pattern. As for recursion, 11 situations explore recursive sequences. Regarding the 3 phases of a pattern, 12 situations explore this criterion. It was found that the 26 situations make it possible to explore the abstraction and algorithm construction and/or execution; 17 make it possible to explore, in addition to abstraction and algorithm construction and/or execution, the identification of patterns and only three make it possible to explore, in addition to abstraction, algorithm construction and/or execution and identification of patterns, the decomposition, thus, only three situations allow exploring the four concepts/pillars of the PC. It should be noted that 25 situations explore the algorithm construction and/or execution in a flowchart/scheme and two involve the construction in LN (one involves both). It should be noted that only 9 requested the algorithm construction. It is understood that teachers will need to resort to other resources to be able to develop the skills exposed in the BNCC, which involve algorithms, in particular, represented by flowcharts.

Author Biographies

Maria Arlita da Silveira Soares, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Caçapava do Sul-RS, Brasil

link para currículo lattes:


Leugim Corteze Romio, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Caçapava do Sul-RS, Brasil

link para currículo lattes:

Simone Pozebon, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brasil

link para currículo lattes:


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