Anthropology and immanence as ‘guides’ to a look (at) the possible
Anthropology, Contemporary Philosophy, Mathematics Education, Immanence, LifeAbstract
This text consists of the combination of two essays with the aim of highlighting the relevance of intercommunication between anthropology and immanence in my research (in Mathematics Education). In the first essay, I address the concepts of ‘research’, ‘inhabit’ and ‘think’, drawing from the anthropological work of Tim Ingold. In the second essay, I explore the concepts of ‘having’, ‘immanence’, and ‘acting in the world’, relating them to the sociology of Gabriel Tarde and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Both essays, written in a dialogical format with the journal’s call, intertwine and seek to illuminate a series of questions that assist me in problematizing the act of researching (in Mathematics Education). Ultimately, I hope that this text becomes a set of (im)pertinences for a research activity (in Mathematics Education) that highlights some pathways of a possible perspective.
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